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E Open - 3/4 Meter - Quarter Rest (Part 2)

Practice Measure 2

Play measure number 2, and when you reach the second beat, use the heel of your palm to stop the string from vibrating. Using a palm muting technique requires that you disengage your hand from its parked position just behind the bridge saddle.

Playing music with many rest may even require a floating hand technique.

Lets try another method.

Finger Muting

Play measure number 2 again, and when you reach the second beat, use the third finger of your fretboard hand to dampen the string in first position over the fretboard. When you set your third finger down to stop the string from vibrating, you do not need to press the string down to the fret. In this case, just set your finger in the string to stop the vibration. Play measure number 2 enough times to get a feel for both of these muting methods. Count the beats out oud as you play and remember to count out beat number 2, even though it's a rest.

Practice Measure 3

When playing in 3/4 time, a dotted half note fills an entire measure. Play measure number 3 and count the beats as the note is sounding. The note stops ringing when you reach beat number 1 in the next measure, so be sure to let the dotted half note ring for a full three beats

Timing & Continuity

Now we will remove the measure numbers, and we'll change the double barlines to single barlines. Play this line of music in its entirety. Counting out loud while you play may help you move from one measure to the next without pausing at the barlines.


This line is showing a meter of 4/4 and the first practice measure is showing a new rhythm. When you are reading a piece of music, it's helpful if you can automatically hear note group patterns as they appear. Simple rhythmic patterns like this one can be found in many different compositions, so when you encounter a new rhythm, work with the notes until you have the pattern memorized.

Practice Measure 2

Measure 2 contains a rhythm you have seen before. Can you hear the rhythm in your head before you play the notes?

Practice Measure 3

Measure 3 has a dotted half note on beat number 1 and a quarter rest on beat number 4 The dotted half note starts sounding on beat number 1 and rings for a full three beats. The note stops sounding on beat number 4. This is a good place to practice the palm muting and finger muting techniques you learned about earlier. First try palm muting on beat number 4, then work on finger muting.

Timing & Continuity

Now we'll remove the measure numbers and change the double barlines to single barlines. Before you play this line, can your read through the piece and hear the rhythmic groups in your head without pausing at the barlines?

Can you count out loud and clap your hands where the notes fall? When a note is ringing, hold your hands together; when you encounter a rest, open your hands apart. Now play the notes on the guitar. Did you play the whole line without pausing at the balines ?

Taking a moment to first clap the rhythms before playing the piece on the guitar may help you with timing and continuity.

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